Monday, November 07, 2011

The Mondays

Having a case of the Mondays.  But i'm off tomorrow so that lessens the blow.  Will WoW have weekly maintenance tomorrow?

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Backlog Update: Assassin's Creed 2 is on the ropes

I have been trying to run through Assassin's Creed II in a marathon session, so that I can start on Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. The AC series is one of my favorites and I look forward to seeing what UbiSoft has in store for us after Assassin's Creed Revelations . In writing news, I still have some bad writer's block and I lost my previous file, but I'm still plunking away at it. More later.............

Wednesday, November 02, 2011


I just can't wait for the game to come out, I've been a fan of the GTA series since the original game came out back in 97.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy November To Ya

Yes folks, we have indeed reached November already. it's amazing how fast the days have gone by in 2011.  I already have a backbone for what I will be writing for NaNoWriMo and so far so good.  As for what I'm writing, well, you'll have to check back for more info on that.

On the gaming front, I am still going strong with WoW, I finished Gears of War 3 and have tapped back into my backlog to work on Assassin's Creed II. I still have to finish that and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood before I bother buying the new game. It's just a rule I have for myself.  My backlog is big enough without adding to it. I also saw the Skylanders display at Target and so did my son. I think we put every figure they had up there on that base.  It's looks cool, but damn, adding that up, it would be expensive, so no way am I going get that addiction started. Well, it's early and there is work to be done, but I will post more throughout the day.